API Documentation
API Documentation

Market Weighted Average Reference Rates

The Market weighted average for a market, say BTC/USD (base/quote) can be obtained by passing the indexType query parameter as MWA and indexId as the Market Id(UUID) for BTC/USD.

  • You can find detailed explanation under:

    In order to get the Market Id(UUID) for BTC/USD, you need to query the Market API:

The respective asset Ids can be obtained by querying the Asset API as shown in the GWA section.

curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/market?baseAssetId={BTC_Asset_Id}&quoteAssetId={USD_Asset_Id}

Example API call for MWA Intrada BTC/USD: with no other parameters set, the API will return the latest 30 second values

curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/index-ticker?indexType=MWA&indexId={BTC_USD_Market_Id} -H 'Authorization: Bearer test_SiHrnL5NKsea0G2W4LHd' -G

Example API call for mMWA Open, High, Low, Close, Volume for BTC/USD: with no other parameters set, the API will return the latest OHLCV values for the last 24 hour period

curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/ohlcv?indexType=MWA&indexId={BTC_USD_Market_Id} -H 'Authorization: Bearer test_SiHrnL5NKsea0G2W4LHd' -G