API Documentation
API Documentation

Global Weighted Average Spot Rates

The Global Weighted Average for an asset, say Litecoin (LTC), can be obtained by passing the indexType query parameter as GWA and indexId as the Asset Id(UUID) for LTC.

  • You can find detailed explanation under:

    In order to get the Asset Id(UUID) for LTC, you need to query the Asset API:

curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/asset?symbol=LTC

Example API call for GWA Intraday LTC : with no other parameters set, the API will return the latest 30 second values.

Example API call for GWA Open, High, Low, Close, Volume for LTC: with no other parameters set, the API will return the latest OHLCV values for the last 24 hour period.

curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/ohlcv?indexType=GWA&indexId={LTC_Asset_Id} -H 'Authorization: Bearer test_SiHrnL5NKsea0G2W4LHd' -G