API Documentation
API Documentation

List all Exchange Tickers

This API provides ticker information by exchange and market. If no timestamp is provided, then only the most recent ticks will be provided.

Using this API by base and quote symbol is not recommended as it may result in an error when duplicate symbols are found. Searching by marketId is recommended and will result in a faster response.


Request Samples:

Production API Server: https://api.bravenewcoin.com/{basePath}/exchange-ticker


curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/exchange-ticker/?timestamp=2018-08-14T05:54:42.395Z&size=100 -H 'Authorization: Bearer test_SiHrnL5NKsea0G2W4LHd' -G

Response samples


Content Type


   - "content": [
          -  {
      "id": "string",
      "exchangeId": "string",
      "marketId": "string",
      "last": "string",
      "volume": "string",
      "bid": "string",
      "ask": "string",
      "timestamp": "2020-01-08T20:53:00Z"
  "nextId": "string"