API Documentation
API Documentation

Market Cap

The Market Cap is calculated based on the free float (or circulating) supply figures and the GWA index price. The Total Market Cap is calculated based on the total supply and the GWA index price.

If the percentChange parameter is set to true this API will also return movement in percentage of these values over a 24h, 7d or 30d period.

List the market capitalization for assets

This API will return a list of assets ranked by their market capitalization


Request Samples:

Production API Server: https://api.bravenewcoin.com/{basePath}/market-cap


curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/market-cap -H 'Authorization: Bearer test_SiHrnL5NKsea0G2W4LHd' -G

Response samples


Content Type


 - "content": [
    - {
            "id": "string",
            "assetId": "string",
            "timestamp": "2019-12-03T00:51:18Z",
            "marketCapRank": "string",
            "volumeRank": "string",
            "price": "string",
            "volume": "string",
            "totalSupply": "string",
            "freeFloatSupply": "string",
            "marketCap": "string",
            "totalMarketCap": "string",
         -  "marketCapPercentChange": {
                "change24h": "string",
                "change7d": "string",
                "change30d": "string"
        - "totalMarketCapPercentChange": {
            "change24h": "string",
            "change7d": "string",
            "change30d": "string"
        - "volumePercentChange": {
          "change24h": "string",
         "change7d": "string",
         "change30d": "string"
       - "pricePercentChange": {
        "change24h": "string",
        "change7d": "string",
        "change30d": "string"