API Documentation
API Documentation

Get intraday GWA or MWAs

This API provides support to get GWA or MWAs. A Type parameter is used to filter the type of index being returned.

 Index TypeDescription
 MWAThe Market Weighted Averages
 GWA The Global Weighted Averages

Each index type will have an index id which identifies the constituent type used to build the index -

 Index TypeIndex IDOutput
 MWA Market IdThe Market Weighted Average for that market
 GWA Asset IdThe Global Weighted Average for that coin / asset

Clients are supposed to use this ID to call the other rest API's to get more information about the constituents used while building the index.


Request Samples:

Production API Server: https://api.bravenewcoin.com/{basePath}/index-ticker


curl https://api.bravenewcoin.com/v3/index-ticker?indexType=GWA -H 'Authorization: Bearer test_SiHrnL5NKsea0G2W4LHd' -G

Response samples


Content Type


 -  "content": [
    -  {
      "indexId": "string",
      "indexType": "MWA",
      "price": "string",
      "timestamp": "2020-01-07T21:20:30Z",
      "id": "string",
      "volume": "string"
  "nextId": "string"